World Peace Through Cosmic Harmony
This website promotes the idea that world peace and harmony can be fostered and promoted by the revelation of a (recently discovered) beautiful harmony and order in The Cosmos. If humans became aware that harmony, rather than discord, is the natural order of things in The Cosmos, then they might be moved to work towards harmony between their fellow men.
Humans are a warlike species, and now have sufficient weaponry to destroy the planet. This WILL happen unless a new harmonious mindset prevails. The finger presently hovers over the nuclear button. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Cosmic harmony is a real, scientifically valid feature that is easy to demonstrate, and easy to understand. (See below.)
The Solar System contains in excess of 10,000 celestial bodies, ALL IN CONSTANT MOTION.
The question is:- Are all these separate motions in harmony with one another, or in discord?
The answer is that all these separate motions are very precisely synchronized with one another in a beautiful harmony – a Cosmic Symphony that is inexplicable in terms of Newtonian Physics.
Before humans blow themselves into oblivion, it is vital that the message of this beautiful Cosmic Harmony is disseminated world-wide. It could literally save Humankind from imminent destruction.
Could a military leader press the nuclear button if they were aware of this beautiful Cosmic Harmony, or would this new harmonious mindset stay their hand? This knowledge, and this more harmonious mindset could tip the balance in favour of human survival!
To help promote world peace, you can spread the message by clicking on the following link:-
Now let me show you how this beautiful Cosmic Harmony works:-
Imagine two complex chronometers. We will call them Chronometer One, and Chronometer Two.
Chronometer One has a lot of toothed gear wheels. Every gear wheel interlocks with its neighbour, so that the rotation of one gear wheel necessarily forces the rotation (and forces the RATE of rotation) of its neighbouring gear wheel. The motions of all the gear wheels are necessarily SYNCHRONIZED with one another.
Chronometer Two also has a lot of toothed gear wheels. However, each gear wheel is placed at a distance from its neighbouring gear wheel, so that no gear wheel interlocks with any other gear wheel. All the gear wheels are in motion, but the motions of all the gear wheels are NOT SYNCHRONIZED with one another.
By analogy, the planets and satellites of The Solar System are like the gear wheels of a complex chronometer, similarly in constant motion.
QUESTION:- Is The Solar System like Chronometer One – or like Chronometer Two?
The modern theory of Newtonian Physics insists that The Solar System is like Chronometer Two, with the motions of planets and satellites independent of one another, ie:- an UNSYNCHRONIZED Solar System.
However, it is easy to show that the Solar System is like Chronometer One, so that the motion of one planet or satellite is SYNCHRONIZED with the motion of every other planet and satellite. This is easy to demonstrate, and easy to understand (despite the fact that this SYNCHRONIZATION is inexplicable in terms of the laws of physics as currently conceived).
Solar System bodies have their movements all very precisely SYNCHRONIZED with one another.
QUESTION:-How can we tell this?
ANSWER:- By a neat stroke of lateral thinking. We simply have to ask the following question:- During the orbital period of any one planet, what ANGLE does some other planet revolve? Once you focus on ANGLES (revolved or rotated), the beautiful harmony and synchronization of The Heavens becomes clear.
During the orbital period of any planet, Earth revolves an ANGLE that is (in every case) very very close to a multiple of ONE EIGHTH of a circle.
This “RULE OF EIGHTHS” operates throughout The Solar System, and in fact throughout the whole of nature! This “RULE OF EIGHTHS” applies to The Atom, The Musical Scale, and even to the Human Body! (I will provide links to web pages that clarify The Rule of Eighths in respect of The Atom, The Musical Scale, and the Human Body at the end of this email.)
Now I will show you how these ANGLES work. In the illustrations below, each ANGLE is depicted by A SINGLE LINE RADIUS. Here below is an image depicting two ANGLES. These ANGLES depicted are (A). 68 degrees, and (B). 343 degrees. Each ANGLE is depicted by a SINGLE LINE RADIUS, with a “bobble” on the end.
The eight radiuses drawn in bold are THE OCTANTS (ie:- multiples of ONE EIGHTH of a circle – that is:- 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, 180 degrees, 225 degrees, 270 degrees, 315 degrees, and 360 degrees.)
Now that you understand how ANGLES are depicted (remember that each ANGLE is depicted by A SINGLE LINE RADIUS), let’s look at the ANGLES revolved by Planet Earth during the orbital period of each of the planets. I will show you two images.
The first image depicts how these ANGLES SHOULD look if the motions of Solar System bodies are UNSYNCHRONIZED.
The second image depicts how these ANGLES ACTUALLY DO LOOK. You will immediately see that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants – ie:- they are all very very close to perfect multiples of ONE EIGHTH of a circle, thus demonstrating that The Solar System is SYNCHRONIZED, and demonstrating the beautiful harmony of The Cosmos.
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony. It is important to note that this Cosmic Harmony is absolutely inexplicable in terms of Newtonian Physics.
Now I will show you the ANGLES ROTATED by The Moon and the Planets out as far as Jupiter during One Earth Year in the next image:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES revolved During One Earth Day by The INNERMOST SATELLITES of each of the following planets – Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES revolved by each of The OUTERMOST LARGE Satellites of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during ONE EARTH YEAR:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES rotated by Earth during the orbital periods of each of The OUTERMOST LARGE Satellites of Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES rotated by Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during One Earth Rotation Period:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES revolved by Four out of the Five Pluto Satellites during TWO Earth Years:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
Now I will show you the ANGLES rotated by Uranus and its Four LARGE Satellites during One Earth Day:-
You can see in the image above that all the ANGLES “hug” The Octants, once again demonstrating a SYNCHRONIZED Solar System, and beautiful Cosmic Harmony.
To see a whole host of similar images of ANGLES (revolved or rotated by planets or satellites) all “obeying” The Octants Rule (or “Rule of Eighths”), and all demonstrating beautiful Cosmic Harmony, click on the following link:-
To see how The Rule Of Eighths applies to the diatonic (major) scale in music, click on the following link:-
To see how The Rule of Eighths (or “Octets Rule”, or “Law of Octaves”) applies to The Atom, click on the following link:-
To see how The Rule of Eighths applies to The Human Body, click on the following link:-
To see how the ratios between planetary orbital velocities are frequently close-to-perfect multiples of ONE EIGHTH (as originally discovered by Kepler), click on the following link:-
To see how groups of planets and satellites are frequently composed of EIGHT members, click on the following link:-